Hello! Welcome to my new BLOG and updated
Comiculture "Creator's Page."
As of this writing, we're still in the process of a total redesign of the
Comiculture website and this nifty BLOG feature (courtesy of Blogger & google) is part of that. Soon, all the "Creator's Pages" will have this feature and, hopefully, the creators will use it to update everyone about their various projects.
Who am I? As Publisher/Editor-in-Chief of our
Comiculture Anthology and magazine, I'm the guy most responsible for this loose organization of comic book creators. With a WHOLE LOT of help from my friends, that is! If you want to learn more about me, check out my bio (up on the right by my profile) and portfolio pages.
Anyway, thanks for visiting our site. We hope you come back soon (and buy all of our products!)
Email me at