I'm not trying to compete with
Marie (as if!), but her recent blogs have me thinking about the trip I took to Egypt and the Middle East back in 2000. That was a great trip. Truly Amazing.
Here are a couple of my pics from Egypt. Alas, I don't have time to write more right now. Enjoy...

The Great Pyramid of Cheops! Giza

Cheops again. It's big.

Me & Sphinxie (I need a shave, he needs a nose)

Saqqara "step" pyramid (King Zoser 2667-48 BC)
(Zoser was big in Sumeria)

Temple of Isis (Philae)

Luxor Temple & Obelisk (collect 'em all!)

Colossi of Ramses II in Abu Simbel
Pretty cool, eh?